Dogs don’t ask questions. They just go for it.
They melt with excitement when you come home. They don’t ask how your day was, because their day has just been made.
That’s dogs for you.
Dogs don’t need to ask if you’re sad. They just come sit next to you, nuzzle a nose against your hand, and you know they’re saying I’m here with you, I’m sad with you, but not too sad, I can’t be too sad ever, because that’s dogs for you.
They ask us for nothing, and so we give them everything.
We fall every day for their loyalty and sincerity and enthusiasm for life that nothing can douse. They need us for everything, but we know that we need them even more.
Their love changes us, because that’s dogs for you.
In waking. In sleeping. In living and laughing. In trying and crying.
Human and dog. Dog and human. Dogs are life and we dedicate our lives to them.
We can’t help it.
That’s dogs for you.